I taught elements of literature a while back and I’m noticing that my kids are not identifying things like setting and characters etc. correctly so I thought it was time for a refresher. This could also have something to do with the fact that I have several new students. (I hope)

We started with the Teacher Wife’s File called Reading Comprehension Two and made our chart. Excuse the non-cuteness of my chart. I made it super quick with the kids.

We then identified the setting in our book Pete the Cat Saves Christmas. I used the setting poster from the file and shrunk it down to fit 4 to a page so that each student could have a copy in their journals. Then they documented the setting with me.

At the end of the week we read Hooway for Wodney Wat and the kids were in charge of telling me what the settings were and what their clues were from the illustrations. This worked amazingly well! My students themselves said that they needed to add more details to their books in writer’s workshop so that the other kids would know what their setting was during sharing time. Amazing!
I am linking up with Teaching Maddeness for Flashback Friday. Make sure to link up your week’s activities!