Welcome to our class!
I’ve changed some parts of my classroom this year and I have to say that I’m loving how everything turned out. Please note that this is my 12th year of teaching and I did not create this environment overnight. It’s taken years to accumulate and/or create everything that is in this classroom. I am including links to all of the resources that are in this post. Some resources are from my shop and some are from other teachers on TpT. I am also including the links for the furniture I picked up from Ikea, as well as some Amazon affiliate links for your convenience. If you choose to use my Amazon affiliate links, the price is the same however I receive a small commission for referring you.
Now on with the tour!

When you walk into my classroom, you’ll see my desk area right away. I connected my desk and small group table to save space and it works really well for us.

I love this quote along the top of my classroom. It is a constant reminder to be kind to one another. I made the flowers using some patterns I found on Etsy.
Desk area:

I have a window sill right by my desk that I like to use for storage. My progress monitoring bin is right there so that I can access it quickly when it’s time to test my kids. Having my teacher toolbox right there is so handy too!

- Toolbox
- Toolbox Labels
- Progress Monitoring
- Primarily Speaking Brag Tags
- Husky Loving Teacher Brag Tags
Classroom Calendar


The class library is one of our favorite spaces! The bins and books are labeled according to their bin which helps my kids put their books away in the correct place. If you would like to get more info about how I organize our books, please read the post link below that is loaded with info.

Next to the library, we have our new futon. I found this one at Ikea. It is comfortable but tough enough for daily classroom use. I custom made the pillows using an online service. If you would like to create the same pillows, the link is below.

Smart Board, Bulletin Boards, and Storage

Do you see that bench in the middle? I purchased it a few years ago when I was in a different classroom and I could not make it work in this room. I moved it all over and it just wasn’t fitting right. I was about to give it away when I decided to give it one last try in between these shelves. I am so happy I tried that. It fit like a glove and finished off this whole area! My kids love to read on it. In fact, many of them read on it on meet the teacher night!

- Focus Wall
- Second Grade Wonders Inserts
- Schedule Cards
- Objectives Bulletin Board Kit
- Debbie’s CCSS Posters
- Ikea Shelf (Bench)
- Trofast Side shelves
- Timer
- Paper Trays
- White Storage Labels
- Lightbox Inserts
- Rug
- Cushion Tutorial

Our rules are to the very left. We refer to them often so this placement by the carpet works perfectly for us.

On the other side of the whiteboard you’ll see this area:

Storage Containers

Zooming up above our door is our fairy door! My kids LOVE the desk fairy. She leaves notes and treats occasionally when she spots clean desks. Part of the fun of the desk fairy door is that it is super realistic. It took me a while to find a door that looked so real. I put it above the door so that it couldn’t be touched.

- Let’s Do This Bulletin Board
- Cubby
- Pencil Labels
- Caddy/Sterilite Labels
- Sterilite Containers
- Lakeshore Caddies
- Sterilite Container (4 Pack)
- Pencil Sharpener
- Fairy Door (Watch the prices because they go up and down throughout the year.)
- Desk Fairy Quote
