It’s Monday Made It time! I’ve spent the past week learning how to sew in order to create these stools cushions for my classroom.
My mother-in-law has a sewing machine and showed me the basics of how the machine worked and then she had me take over. Let’s just say I was doing some serious “close” reading this week.
I am so happy with how they turned out!
When I decided on a woodland theme for my classroom, my wheels started spinning in all sorts of directions. One of the first thoughts I had was to transform these stools into “toad stools.” The holes on the tops of these Ikea stools always bothered me, so creating some cushions for them was always in the back of my mind. I then realized how perfect some mushroom cushions would be! Plus when my friends sit on these stools, they are kind of uncomfortable, so these cushions serve more than one purpose!
Here are the steps I took to create these:
1. Measure and cut circles about 2″ larger than the stool tops.
2. Cut some small white circles and sew them on.
3. Turn the stools over and trace where the holes line up, so that you know where the straps will go.
4. Create some straps (I created some from scratch, but now wish I would have used ribbon) and sew them to pieces of fabric that will be the bottom of the cushions.
5. Sew the tops and bottoms together (inside out), leaving a 4-5″ hole open so that you can turn them right side out and then stuff them.
6. Hand stitch the hole closed.
Here they all are!
I can’t wait to see them in my classroom!
Here is my next made it. Subject Drawers. I am loving these Melonheadz kids, and when I saw them I thought of creating something I have been needing for a long time. My BFF is also a teacher and she always copies ahead of time to make sure everything is ready to go on time. I tried that this year, but I ran into a problem. I ended up misplacing those future copies and it became a disorganized mess! Now when I copy in advance, I will be able to put the copies in the subject drawers!! I am beyond excited to have these!
These Melonheadz kids are so cute, I decided to create a freebie for you all 🙂
Click on the picture for your copy!
I received requests for some weekly drawers with Melonheadz clip art 🙂 Ask and you shall receive:
These are now included in the bundle and they are editable as well. Please click HERE if you are interested in this bundle and make sure to re-download if you already purchased 🙂
Now make sure to link up with Tara and check out everyone’s projects. See you next Monday!