One of my hobbies is scrapbooking and it definitely comes in handy when decorating my classroom. I love bringing in things that are functional but still look nice.
Last year our school began participating in Box Tops for Education and we had a contest to see who brought in the most Box Tops. Our class collected the most for the second half of the year. My class was very proud! I think part of the reason they brought in so many Box Tops was because I made a special container that the kids could put them in to. That container was raffled off at the end of the year, so I needed to make a new one for the upcoming school year.
I didn’t want to buy a container to decorate, so I went into my pantry, found a container from Trader Joe’s, and got to work!
I used some scrapbook paper and covered the container all around.

I used this cute owl that I cut with my Cricut. My husband suggested she be holding a Box Top! He’s just brilliant 🙂 She has a little heart over her head because she loves Box Tops.

It was pretty easy to put together and the payoff was great! The kids get psyched about our little container.